Product Videos & Manuals

GUILLOTINE™ Electric Paper Cutters
1. XPC19 PRO Owners Manual PDF Format
2. XPC17 Owners Manual PDF Format
4. EC19 PRO / EC19M Owners Manual PDF Format
5. EC17 / EC19 Owners Manual
 PDF Format

92. EC19 PRO / EC19M Wiring* (for cutters that have main board version V1.6)

PERFECT™ Manual Paper Cutters

PERFECT Creaser & Perforator

PERFECT Paper Trimmers
 *On the EC19 Pro/EC19M wiring video above, the first motor wire (starting on the left and mentioned at the 5:33 minute mark of the video) is the Yellow wire on the left hand side of the main board. Second wire is the Orange wire, third wire is the Green wire and fourth wire is the Purple wire. All four colored wires referred to here are the ones mentioned and seen on the left hand side of the main board. This is for cutters that have main board version V1.6.